when you were tiny and still inside me – we called you jellybean. once you were born we called you talei joanne brown. then we started calling you tj. then we started to call you our baby girl. and angel girl. now you like talei. if we call you a nick name – you tell us very clearly -“no i am a girl, i am talei”
i can’t even begin to describe – as many parents can’t, the first few years of your life. the laughter we have had for you and to be honest – at you. the tears of complete and utter frustration – shed…..by all of us at your refusal to sleep…….sigh……….
every parent chooses to show their love in a million different ways. your daddy shows his to you by playing with you. alot. he makes you laugh – a real belly laugh – i can’t do that. not like he does.
i show my love – by being with you. alot. and by taking photos of you. so many photos. just like my daddy did. and i show my love to you by creating for you. like my mummy did.
and we get so many things wrong with you. but i do hope we get so many things right.
and you have opened up a creative side in me that was lurking. and a bare faced honesty to be unafraid to show who i am.
and you are still so tiny. so tiny and yet have had so much influence in helping to shape us both.
happy third birthday talei joanne brown.
Happy BirthdayJellybean
Rachael Brown Photography