Day Six School Holidays

a few months ago i started offering “just mum and me” shoots. 

they have been a bit of a hit. 
i think they struck a bit of a chord. 
then today i read this article.
and i thought. 
i want to gift a day of photography to a family. 
i offer ” a day in the life” shoots. 
they are when i come and spend a day with your family. 
the whole day. from sun up to sun down. 
i capture your everyday life and then all the small moments in between. 
how do you enter? 
you can live ANYWHERE in the south island. 
you can live in ANYWHERE in the north island. 
i will come to you. and spend a day with your family. 
for south island families. it will happen sometime at the end of feb when we road trip round the south island. 
for north island families. it will happen sometime in the autumn. at the end of wedding season. 
you need to be a fan of my facebook page. 
oh and you need to send me the last photo taken of you with your children. 
i want you to look through your photos. and not rush out and take one now. but an honest to goodness. 
last photo taken of you with your angels. as a mum. or as a dad. 
please list their ages when the photo was taken. and their ages now. 
the competition ends on Friday 12 October 2012. 
please email me your photos to:
and today. on day six of the school holidays. i took a couple of me and my girl. 
the one where i have my arms wrapped tightly around her whole body. 
i am blowing up and framing. 

Rachael Brown Photography