following your heart

its a huge. enormous. big. wide world out there.

it really is.

everyday the assault on our senses is enormous.

we make huge decisions.

we follow a path a certain way.

we make connections.


and sometimes we need to remember this.

this i know is true.

my one reason.

the one reason i have been too afraid to follow.


is this is my passion.

there is no second option.

and i believe if you have passion.

and heart.

and soul.

and courage.

great great courage.

at the very core of what you do.

you just wont fail.

you will need to work. above and beyond. and more outside of the square. than you ever thought possible.

you will need to strip away pretense.

and reveal some of yourself.

because then your passion.

will ignite the fire in those you are alongside.

Rachael Brown Photography