Bec, Alistair, Hope and Jonas

This family were absolutely devine! It was such a blustery good old Wellington day – but we trucked on and Bec had organised and found the most gorgeous wee spot, up high with an incredible view and long uncut grass – perfect! Their home and garden also happened to be my idea of something kind of wonderful too!
Jonas is 18 months and completely scrummy! He was enchanted by bubbles and determined to swing on an old swing meant for children a few years older! 
Hope is three and a half and full of all the mischief that every three and a half year old should be. She is also in her fifth week – completely free of treatment for cancer. In New Zealand, when a child is diagnosed with cancer, they start receiving beads. The beads are part of their story and recognise and honour a child’s bravery throughout their journey with child cancer. They are collected at each hospital visit, and for each treatment they receive on their journey. Hope has 900. 900. And I think Hope and her family are just incredible.
They are warm, welcoming, full of laughter – and just one of the nicest families ever. Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home, and allowing me to take photos of your beautiful family. 

Rachael Brown Photography