sometimes as people we are moved to be fearless. and what holds us back. really. if we are to be completely honest. is our fear of what others will think of us. if you honestly didn’t care. imagine how loud your life would be. i think this every time i stand back and watch talei. nothing a toddler does – ever shows that they care about what others think. they show their emotion when and where they want. they laugh. scream. cry. talk. when and how they want. its us that shows them how other people want them to behave. and there is a time and place for this. but i have been thinking maybe we – i – curb it just a little too much.
this year – has been one of the biggest learning curves of my life. and along the way i have met and come across some incredible people who have been generous with their time, knowledge, friendship. and they have both inspired and influenced me.
and then, just today i came across this and it blew me away. its a nike add from the 90s. and its incredible. and i am going to print it out and tape it to my study wall.
You were born a daughter.
You looked up to your mother.
You looked up to your father.
You looked up at everyone.
You wanted to be a princess.
You thought you were a princess.
You wanted to own a horse.
You wanted to be a horse.
You wanted your brother to be a horse.
You wanted to wear pink.
You never wanted to wear pink.
You wanted to be a Veterinarian.
You wanted to be President.
You wanted to be the President’s Veterinarian.
You were picked last for the team.
You were the best one on the team.
You refused to be on the team.
You wanted to be good in algebra.
You hid during algebra.
You wanted the boys to notice you.
You were afraid the boys would notice you.
You started to get acne.
You started to get breasts.
You started to get acne that was bigger than your breasts.
You wouldn’t wear a bra.
You couldn’t wait to wear a bra.
You couldn’t fit into a bra.
You didn’t like the way you looked.
You didn’t like the way your parents looked.
You didn’t want to grow up.
You had your first best friend.
You had your first date.
You had your second best friend.
You had your second first date.
You spent hours on the telephone.
You got kissed.
You got to kiss back.
You went to the prom.
You didn’t go to the prom.
You went to the prom with the wrong person.
You spent hours on the telephone.
You fell in love.
You fell in love.
You fell in love.
You lost your best friend.
You lost your other best friend.
You really fell in love.
You became a steady girlfriend.
You became a significant other.
Sooner or later, you start taking yourself seriously. You know when you need a break. You know when you need a rest. You know what to get worked up about and what to get rid of. And you know when it’s time to take care of yourself, for yourself. To do something that makes you stronger, faster, more complete.
Because you know it’s never too late to have a life. And never too late to change one.