life in the kitchen

so. if you didn’t know. a couple of months ago we bought our first house. we consider ourselves to be very blessed to have been able to do this. even when we are scraping paint. and on our knees pulling up floor staples. its exhausting. but such a truly great feeling to be working on your own little slice of paradise.

anyway. its a true first house. and its needs some t.l.c. but there is one part of the house that i am truly in two minds about. and thats the kitchen. its huge. huge. and we live in it. we completely love it. its the first part of the house to fill with sun just after 8am. its large and rambling and we are in the middle of painting it. and thats where about what i want to do to it stops. i love admiring peoples sparkling new kitchens. but i just don’t think thats what i really want for me.

i love that everyday life happens in it. that we sit at a table and eat in it. i love the wooden floors. the too shallow cupboards. and the sloping bench that means by the end of washing the dishes you have water all down your front. its awesome. so very very awesome.

here is some of the life. the life that happens in it everyday.

Rachael Brown Photography