Hope – Part 2

life. everytime i look at these photos. i think about everyday life. the small beautiful events that make up your day. the tears. the mess. the chaos. the tiny breathtaking smiles. the paint smeared finger stains on your couch. the toys, old carrots and crusts that find their way under your television.

i know it may seem like crazy things to think about. but your everyday life is so valued. because it exists. because it gives you both your greatest moments and also the moments that reduce you to tears, anger and utter frustration.

value your everyday life. hold it dear to your heart. photograph it. write about it. share it. laugh about it. cry about it. live it.

live it with purpose.

bec, alistair, hope and jonas. you are in my thoughts and prayers. i think about you everyday.

much love xox

Rachael Brown Photography