so. this post. feels like it comes at the end of one of those. horrible. horrible. days.
when. you feel. like you have been the worst. mummy. ever.
when. you feel like you have endured two of the worst tantrums. ever. truly. ever.
and in public.
yup. the glaring daylight of public scrutiny.
when you have rushed.
been pre-occupied.
when washing has piled up.
emails haven’t been answered correctly.
when the dream you are pursuing. seems so far away. but so close.
when you feel like you haven’t made time.
enough time. for anything. or anyone.
when do mothers. stop. and be gentle. to themselves.
to other mothers.
when do we reserve judgement.
i took these photos a few weeks ago now. they are straight out of the camera. unedited. just how she was. in the morning light. on the kitchen table. playing with a pink balloon on a stick.
she asked me to tie her hair out of her eyes. so she could see better.
beautiful girl. i am sorry we have had a rough day. neither of us really at fault. just one of those days.
that make me glad tomorrow is new.
so please remember;
Be yourself, truthfully
Accept yourself, gratefully
Value yourself, joyfully
Forgive yourself, completely
Treat yourself, generously
Balance yourself, harmoniously
Bless yourself, abundantly
Trust yourself, wholeheartedly
Empower yourself, prayerfully
Give yourself, enthusiastically
Express yourself, radiantly